01902 452010
Mailboxes at Chillington
There are many reasons for having a private mailbox.
Perhaps you are a student in shared accommodation and you are not sure that your personal mail is safe.
Maybe you are a sole proprietor and don't want to have business mail sent to your private address as it lacks professionalism.
Maybe you are working abroad or are an expat who still needs a british address for post, or maybe you just want to keep your private address exactly that, PRIVATE.
Whatever your reason, Mailboxes at Chillington can accept mail and small parcels on your behalf and store them until you are ready to collect.
As we are a small family operated business we can provide a service that is discreet and professional.
All prices include VAT
I month
3 months
6 months
12 months
Up to 2 Names
£ 25.00
£ 66.00
£ 114.00
£ 174.00
Up to 4 names
£ 40.00
£ 90.00
£ 144.00
£ 234.00